OMPE | Organisation Mondiale pour la Protection de l’Environnement | Email : [email protected] | Tel : +33 (0)
The energy

The energy

Humans have always sought ways to use energy to achieve a better quality of life. Even if there are a multitude of sources of energy, ten of them stand out...
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The forests

For thousands of years, humans have played a more than important role in deforestation. Throughout history, one empire after another, they cut entire forests to build...
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The air

Air is one of the determinants of life on Earth. Daily, all organisms depend on this « atmospheric cocktail », our lungs filter an average of 15 kg of...
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Water is essential for all life forms, making it one of nature’s most precious resources. It represents nearly 1,360 million km3, or 1360 billion liters. Every human being...
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Pesticides are formulated and used to kill parasites, insects, mammals or birds that feed on crops and damage yields. They also eliminate fungi that cause disease,...
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