OMPE | Organisation Mondiale pour la Protection de l’Environnement | Email : [email protected] | Tel : +33 (0)
OMPE launches his PFM 2018 (#PFM2018, #OMPE, #UFFFES)

Save the lion

Over the past 20 years, the lion population has decreased by 43%, due to deforestation and poaching in particular. The African lion and the Asiatic lion are certainly the most threatened...
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Preserving the lemur

The lemurs are a species endemic to the island of Madagascar. There are about 100 species on the territory. The IUCN (International Union for the Conservation of Nature) decreed in 2012 « most threatened...
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The global warming

The term ” global warming ” refers to the phenomenon of progressively increasing temperatures of the Earth’s atmosphere and oceans measured at present, in addition to its projected...
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