Green or clean technologies : definition and issues
The term “technology” is very rarely correlated with the protection of the environment. Indeed, technological progress is often a sign of human action and therefore of destruction or pollution. Fortunately, this is not always the case ! Some of them are “green” or “clean” because of their purpose : to maintain and preserve natural ecosystems.
Definition and challenges of green technologies
In recent years, the word “green” has gained a significant place in our society, at our workplace or in our home. But if the term ” green technologies ” is still quite unknown, the latter are present all around us. Their primary objective is simple : reduce the detrimental effects of human activity on the environment. The key is to “produce more with less“.
The green technology most frequently encountered are the recycling of waste, waste water treatment, renewable energy… Many researchers and scientists are also addressed the issue for the development of green technologies aimed, if n is halting the devastating actions of man, try to prevent or reduce them. This is for example the case of the following inventions :
Green Concrete : this ecological concrete does not contain harmful nitrogen compounds such as nitrogen oxide. If Holland has been able to test, she quickly ran into a problem of cost, although it is very effective. If it also contains titanium dioxide, like other concrete, he needs larger quantities which makes it more expensive ;
Cleaning up the ocean : if plastic are very useful in our daily life, they are also highly polluting when they are in the environment. In addition to hundreds of years to disappear, they are responsible for the deaths of thousands of marine animals. Some companies then developed plastics processing machines. The OMPE also supports many years the establishment of anti-plastics giant barges ;

The anti-plastics giant barge
- A multitude of other green or clean technologies emerge, both in the fields of construction, industry as transport, in various stages : manufacturing, energy saving, investment, research…
But still pay attention because the term “green” has become very fashionable and also constitutes an excellent advertisement to attract consumers who believe to protect the environment… So how to know if what you buy is green or not ? One of the keys to being sure that your product meets the requirements of a so-called environmentally friendly technology is to take into account some of the following features :
Low power consumption : new devices normally consume less electricity. This is particularly important in countries where electricity is produced in coal-fired power plants ;
Reduced use of toxic elements : what is the basis and the least when talking about a green product. Avoid as much as possible products containing lead, mercury, cadmium and barium, which are very harmful to the environment.