Selective sorting: everyone concerned
In France for more than 40 years, the amount of waste has doubled. A French person produces 573 kg in one year according to the French Environment and Energy Management Agency (ADEME).

We also know that from one municipality to another, the systems and collection methods change, but throughout the territory the sorting instructions are the same.

What types of waste can be recycled ?
Household waste includes all used or abandoned objects resulting from the daily activity of each individual. In a household trash can, you can find different types of waste, of which more than 30% are organic matter, more than 20% paper and cardboard, more than 10% glass, more than 10% plastic, 3% metal. …

Among the different types of waste that must be sorted in a household bin, we can mention :
* Glass : This is all types of food packaging made of glass, including bottles and jars. Lamp bulbs, mirrors, crockery are not affected by the sorting of waste, because their compositions cannot be recycled.

* Cardboard : Generally, all cardboard is recyclable. However, for large models, they should not be thrown into a recycling bin. It is best to take it directly to the dump.

* Plastic : This category of waste includes all plastic waste such as bottles of laundry detergent, drinking yogurt, water or even household products. All types of bottles are also concerned: plastic bottles for cosmetic products, sauce bottles, etc. Plastic packaging with the “Triman” logo is all recyclable.

* Metal : Very easy to sort, all metal elements made of steel and aluminum are all recyclable. Other metal parts that are not in these two categories can be thrown in a household waste bin.

What color codes for selective sorting ?
* Green : this selective sorting color code is specially designed for glass waste. It is widely used in France because most homes produce a very large amount of plastic waste. A few years ago, more than 1,190,000 tons of glass were collected in France. The plastic waste concerned is bottles, pots and jars. Corks and caps should be removed and the container should be completely empty. Low density glass waste should not be disposed of in a green colored bin. The glasses will be melted at a very high temperature and placed in a mold to make new jars, bottles or pots.

* Yellow : a yellow selective sorting color code is intended especially for plastic waste. These include bottles with their caps and packaging: juice bottles, food cartons, milk bottles, etc. This color code also indicates that the bin can contain cardboard and paper. Note that it is not necessary to wash the bottles or other containers before throwing them in a yellow bin.By recycling plastic waste in this type of bin, we can design pipes, tubes, trash cans and many bottles for toiletries. For example, with 10 plastic juice bottles, you can make a pillow.

* Grey, black or brown: these are household garbage bins that can contain all the other waste that cannot be put in the sorting bins. The waste thrown into this type of bin is generally non-recyclable waste such as leftover food, dust, plastic film, milk jars, etc. Toxic or bulky waste must be deposited in the recycling center.

Now it’s your turn !