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Stormy Canada

Over the past week, the elements have raged in Western Canada: between torrential rains, numerous landslides and severe flooding, the toll remains worrying.

Following these natural disasters, authorities have yet to confirm the number of people and vehicles missing.

One victim has been reported, a woman who was swept up in a landslide on a highway (approximately 250 km north of Vancouver). Despite extensive searches, his body was eventually found lifeless a few days later.

Thousands of people were evacuated, we can cite as an example the inhabitants of the town of Merritt (about 300 km northwest of Vancouver).

In some valleys (such as the Fraser River) there has been more than 250mm of precipitation in a day, creating unstable rain-soaked areas that will inevitably turn into landslides trapping nearby populations.

Many populations were also without power for several days, according to an audit by BC Hydro.

The authorities, ministers and mayors are working together to protect, rescue and help the affected populations and are also doing everything they can to restore them to a healthy living environment as soon as possible.

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